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Korean Beef Bulgogi Tacos


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Meredith and I made korean beef tacos. We used this beef bulgogi[@rev] recipe as the marinade. We actually made the marinade Sunday night but didn't add the beef until yesterday. We followed the recipe pretty closely except used less beef (0.675lbs -- see photos below) but the same amount of marinade. Anyway, we marinated it overnight and then cooked it on the grill pan (warmed up at 7-8/10). The grill pan was good since the marinade dripped down but it was still hard since I couldn't see the meat well. Actually, next time, I think I would cook a whole piece of meat, let it rest, then cut it.

Anyway, on my plate, I also quickly heated 3 corn tortillas (50 cal each) and had some lettuce. Meredith just had it on lettuce.

The rest of the toppings were:

Overall, it was pretty good. And rather low in points -- especially the ones served only on the lettuce, though the corn tortillas weren't too many points.

We will make this again!

Future Changes

Some of this I said above but in the future I would:

Additional Photos

The beef we used Everything laid out and ready to go Building the tacos